Worried about the Diesel Generator Ban in Delhi NCR?? We have the Solution CPCB4+ diesel generator

In recent years, the concern for air quality and the environment has led to stricter regulations on the use of diesel generators in Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR). These regulations are aimed at curbing pollution and improving the overall air quality, but they have left many businesses and individuals worried about their power supply during outages and emergencies. If you’re among those concerned about the diesel generator ban, we have the perfect solution for you – the CPCB4+ diesel generator.

Understanding the Diesel Generator Ban:

To address the pressing issue of air pollution in Delhi NCR, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) introduced stringent guidelines and regulations for the operation of diesel generators. These guidelines, often referred to as the ‘Diesel Generator Ban,’ restrict the use of conventional diesel generators and push for cleaner, more environmentally friendly alternatives.

Diesel Generator Ban in Delhi NCR Notification 2023

From October, diesel generator sets with a range going from 19kW to 125kW will be expected to work in dual fuel mode. However, these devices can only be utilized for a maximum of two hours a day when the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) limitations are in effect

Which Type of Diesel Generator is allowed in Delhi NCR
Diesel generator sets with a power capacity of 125kW to 800kW must operate in dual fuel mode and also need to be retrofitted with Emission Control Devices (ECDs).

Generator sets surpassing 800kW should be retrofitted with either dual fuel kits or ECDs, yet they can likewise be worked for as long as two hours every day in the event that GRAP measures are set up.

The Problem:

For businesses and individuals heavily reliant on uninterrupted power supply, these regulations have posed a significant challenge. While the intentions behind the ban are noble, power outages can be disruptive and costly, especially in critical situations like hospitals, data centers, manufacturing units, and even homes. So, how can one navigate this challenging scenario?

The Solution – CPCB4+ Diesel Generator:

Sudhir Cummins recently launched new innovation CPCB4+ diesel generator – a revolutionary solution that not only complies with the stringent regulations but also ensures you have a reliable and efficient power backup when you need it the most. Here’s why the CPCB4+ diesel generator is the ideal choice:

  1. Environmentally Friendly: The CPCB4+ diesel generator meets the CPCB’s stringent emission standards. With advanced emission control technology, it reduces harmful pollutants and particulate matter, making it an eco-friendly choice.
  2. Fuel Efficiency: These generators are designed for maximum fuel efficiency, which not only helps you save on operational costs but also reduces the carbon footprint.
  3. Compliance: The CPCB4+ generator strictly adheres to the regulations set forth by the CPCB, making it a legal and hassle-free choice for power backup.
  4. Advanced Features: These generators come equipped with the latest technological advancements, ensuring reliability, ease of operation, and the ability to seamlessly switch from the grid to backup power.
  5. Customization: The CPCB4+ generators are available in a range of capacities to suit your specific power requirements, ensuring that you have a tailored solution that meets your needs.
  6. Peace of Mind: With the CPCB4+ diesel generator, you can rest easy knowing you have a dependable power backup solution that won’t leave you in the dark during critical moments.


The Diesel Generator Ban in Delhi NCR has left many worried about their power supply during outages and emergencies. However, with the CPCB4+ diesel generator, you can ensure compliance with the regulations while having a reliable and efficient power backup. This advanced solution is not only environmentally friendly but also technologically advanced and customizable to meet your specific needs. Don’t let the ban on diesel generators disrupt your operations or daily life – choose the CPCB4+ diesel generator and power on with confidence. It’s the smart and responsible choice for a cleaner and more secure future.

We are the Leading Manufacturer of cummins CPCB4+Diesel generator, OEM of Cummins Diesel generator in Delhi NCR, Gujarat, GurugramAmritsar , Bhopal, Gurugram,Madhya pradesh, Punjab, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & kashmir. For more information about 7.5-3350Kva Diesel Generator

For more information about the CPCB4+ diesel generator and how it can benefit you, visit our website: https://www.sudhirpower.com/ or get in touch with our experts today!

Author: sudhirpower

Sudhir is a name synonymous with Power. An Industry leader in the field of setting up Diesel base Captive Power Plants upto 20MW having its corporate office in Gurgaon & revenue of over 300 Million USD, it stands tall in the Indian Power Generation Sector, providing complete turnkey Electrical solutions from GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION to ELECTRIFICATION.

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